
Author Archives: sportsbraces1

What can a TENS and EMS machine be used for?

Compex Fit 1.0

TENS machines are generally used along with other treatments, like physical therapy. They are ever increasing in popularity due to its ability to assist in medication free pain management. What is a TENS a Machine? TENS – Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation are used to stimulate nerve impulses for therapeutic purposes and are widely accepted as […]

Ankle Instability: What to Watch For and How to Fix It

Ankle Instability: What to Watch For and How to Fix It

Ankle instability is a common, ongoing malady for many athletes. It mostly affects people who run or play sports, but it can also affect those who hike or climb. Ankle instability is most commonly caused by weak muscles and tendons called the plantar fascia. When this ligament is overstretched, it creates a feeling of instability […]

Knee Braces for Running

Buying Knee Braces for Running

Buying Knee Braces for Running: Tips to Help You Choose the Best One Knee injuries are quite common among runners. Because of the repetitive movement of running and the high impact involved, these types of injuries are more likely to occur. However, you don’t need to dread the thought of getting injured because knee braces […]

CAM Walkers

AirSelect CAM Walker

These go by names such as Moon Boots, Cam Boots or Cam Walkers. Cam Walkers are Controlled Ankle Motion Walkers designed to treat conditions such as fractures, stabilisation, tendon or ligament tears and are more commonly used and considered the standard treatment for many patients. Cam walkers have been designed to suit either Left or […]

Ankle Braces

Best Ankle Brace

Choose different types of ankle braces, Lace Up Ankle Braces, Sleeves, Compression, Stirrup or Ankle Wraps. Ankle Braces are a good way to prevent sprains and stress on your ankle. Wear Ankle Braces to provide support for any injury. Do ankle Braces do anything? Ankle Braces and Supports are becoming more common and often we […]

Chondromalacia Patella: Knee Braces and Supports to Help Relieve Pain

DonJoy Lateral "J" Patella Knee Brace

If you have been diagnosed with chondromalacia patella, then you know that it can be an incredibly painful condition to deal with day in and day out. Fortunately, there are many knee braces and supports on the market that can help to relieve your pain by supporting your patella as well as providing compression. Learn […]

Motocross Braces and Supports

Motocross Braces and Supports

There is a reason why motocross is considered an extreme sport! Unfortunately, injuries are an inevitable part of riding for hobbyists all the way to seasoned professionals. This is why any level of motocross rider needs protection when they hit the deck. Sportsbraces have the best knee brace for motocross, wrist and knee braces all […]