Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder impingement is a common issue that occurs after too much wear and tear of the rotator cuff tendons. The usually smooth gliding of the rotator cuff rubs on the tendon and the lubricating sac between the rotator cuff and acromion (bursa).Â
This can cause pain when lifting your arms or shoulder pain if rotator cuff tendons are irritated (known as tendonitis). The range of protective braces available at Sportbraces can stabilise your shoulder, in turn, helping it to heal. Our team are always on-hand to help select a brace for your shoulder impingement with phone support from 9am – 5pm on 1300 070 948.Â
We also offer a variety of brace options to make it easy to target a specific injury, with categories set to brace options by sport. Find a piece of equipment that can help you to relieve pain by reducing stress on your body. Braces offer a limited range of movement to help with the healing process, and we’ve made sure that our braces are easy to use, clean and include as part of your exercise gear.
While you are searching, view our range of exercise equipment which includes foam rollers, yoga mats and pulleys, and make sure you are covered from the bottom up with our Dr Comfort shoes for both men and women. Finally, you’ll find a large selection of rehab and therapy products to help with your post-workout recovery. Shop the full selection today and keep safe while training.
Rotator Cuff Tear
Shoulder Impingement